Ian Hill, UPP
Ian Hill
Director of Information & Cyber Security

Ian has over 25 years of Information & Cyber Security experience and has written a book, journal articles, spoken at international conferences and developed two commercially successful software products, all within the field of information & network security. In 1996 he founded Drakken Ltd, a successful specialist web application ISP, responsible for designing & implementing highly secure hosting environments and applications for Nokia Mobile Phones, and developed the first commercially successful web-based vehicle tracking system for ACIS (now VIX). In 2007 Drakken was acquired by KCOM Group PLC, a UK based telco, ISP and Managed Services company where he was instrumental in developing the group’s security strategy, facilitating its ISO27001, ISO22301 & PCI/DSS certifications. In 2018 Ian was engaged as Global Director of Cyber Security at Royal BAM Group, a global Dutch based construction group, where he transitioned the cyber security posture to meet evolving threats, including a state sponsored cyber-attack in 2020 aimed at disrupting the building the Nightingale Emergency Hospitals during the COVID pandemic. After a short tenure at BGL Insurance where he established a new cyber team and developed a hybrid outsourced cyber strategy, Ian is now Director of Information & Cyber Security at UPP Corporation, an ambitious superfast broadband provider committed to investing £1bn to deploy a full fibre network to 1 million premises in eastern England by 2025. Ian has an extensive knowledge and experience of all aspects of Information & Cyber Security, from the technical through to strategic and compliance and holds various Information Security certifications.